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“In Horror Movies, Whenever Someone Gets Their Soul Sucked Out.” Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine. Forthcoming.

Then, Stars.” Heroic Fantasy Quarterly. Issue #41. August, 2019.

​The Glass Onion.” Juked. January 21, 2019.

“The Moral of the Double Slit Experiment.” Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine. Jan/Feb. 2019.

Enceladus.” Necessary Fiction. October 24, 2018.

“The Big Bang Was Not.” Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine. July/August, 2018.

"Godsteel." Sword and Sorcery Magazine. Issue #75. April, 2018.

"Turncrowe." Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show. Issue #53. 2016.

"The Man Who Invented Fire," "Piss-Poor" & "When I Was a Kid, So Many Died." Ragazine. November, 2016.

"On the Death of Classical Physics." Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. Vol. 40, Issue #8. August, 2016.

"On My One Hundred Sixty-Ninth Birthday," "Time Share," "What to Do If You're Buried Alive." DIAGRAM. August, 2015.

“The First Law of Thermodynamics.” Valparaiso Poetry Review. Vol. 15, Issue #2. Spring/Summer, 2014.

“If Horror Movies Have Taught Me Anything.” Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine. October/November, 2014.

“The Stuttering Headsman.” Hayden’s Ferry Review. Issue #48. Spring/Summer, 2011.
“Ode to Dead Batteries” & “The Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic, 1962.” Mid-American Review. Vol. 31, #1. Fall, 2010.
"Celestial Encounters." Encounters Magazine. Vol. 1, #4. November/December, 2010.

"Subatomic Redemption." Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. February, 2010.
"Taliessa's Wish." Realms. Vol. 1, #2. Spring, 2010.
"A Merchant's Luck." Bewildering Stories. Issue #357. October 19, 2009.
"The Hero's Wife." Planet Magazine. July 8, 2009.
"Mission Fail." Planet Magazine. May 24, 2009.
“Geoeroticism 101.” Quick Fiction. Issue #15. April, 2009.

"Theodote." Strange Horizons. Issue #23. March, 2009.

BPM 37093. Astropoetica. Spring, 2009.

"I Christen Thee, My Higgs Boson." Strange Horizons. Issue #23. February, 2009.

"The World's Oldest Vase." On Spec. Summer, 2008.

“Lois Lane Gives Birth to a Type One Diabetic.” Sentence. Issue #14. December, 2008.

“The First Dancers.” Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. October/November, 2008.

"Simurgh." On Spec. Winter, 2008.

"Into the Deep." Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. October, 2007.

"Scientists Discover Singing Iceberg in Antarctica." Mythic Delirium. Issue #18. 2006.

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